Welcome to Miss WoWaHolic's Blog + Guide!

Here you will find many posts related to World of Warcraft.
You will also find that most of my posts will contain information on Leveling and making money in WoW.
If you have any questions please email me and you will be sure to get a response!
Enjoy Reading Miss WoWaHolic's Guide/Blog!

Making WoW Gold

If you want to make lots of money in world of warcraft, its best to start at level 1 with going to a professions trainer, and Getting a gathering profession, you can find a list of all the gathering professions here :
1. Mining -http://www.wowhead.com/skill=186
3.Herbalism- http://www.wowhead.com/skill=182

Gathering Professions are one of the best for people that like to grind their way through the levels.
Once u begin to get stacks of 20, you can go to the auction house and sell them for the best prices going, and before you know it you will be rolling in mountains of money. For the auction house you will need these addons:
1. Curse client-http://www.curse.com/client/
2. Auctionator-http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/auctionator.aspx